2nd SS Panzer Division

Originally formed on October 19, 1939 as the "Verfugungs" Division, this unit was redesignated as the 2nd SS Panzer Division ("Das Reich") in late 1943. In January of 1944 the division was sent to southern France in order to reform after its actions in Russia.
In early June, 1944, Das Reich was stationed in southwest France outside of the city of Montauban. Elements of the division began moving towards Normandy on the night of June 7th, although the armor did not depart the area until the 9th.
The division should have taken approximately three days to reach northern France by rail, but the efforts of French resistance fighters, as well as Allied air superiority, made the move much slower, as the Germans were forced to move overland by road.
The 2nd SS Panzer Division surrendered to U.S. troops on May 8, 1945 near Linz.
Captain Miller's squad encountered a recon element from the 2nd SS Panzer Division outside of the French village of Ramelle on June 13, 1944. They destroy a German halftrack with the help of three 101st Airborne Division paratroopers.
Fact vs. Fiction
In reality the 2nd SS Panzer Division did not arrive in strength in the Normandy area until around June 23rd, thus making it highly unlikely that any of its tanks would be near Ramelle on the 13th of June.
Although the halftrack destroyed outside of Ramelle was said to have been from the 2nd SS Panzer Division, the tanks that take part in the attack on Ramelle only have the insignia of the I SS Panzer Corps on them.